Establishing Europe's Green Hydrogen Hub
(•) Active Since June 12, 2024
ISIN: LI1359341677
Product Name: H2Crete Fund
Type: AIF (Alternative Investment Fund)
ESG Classification: Light Green (Art. 8 of EU 2019/2088 SFDR)
Industry: Green Hydrogen
Base Currency: EUR (Euro)
Investment Category: Equity / Debt
Return on Investment (ROI): Targeted 95%
Annual Payout: Targeted 3-7% p.a.
Duration: 7 Years
Depositary and Share Register:
Disclaimer: All information on this page is based on information provided by ProEuropean Trading GmbH ("Company") and CAIAC Fund Management AG ("Fund Manager"), is for informational purposes only, is indicative and not binding. This information does not claim to be complete or correct and the use of the information is the sole responsibility of the reader. This page should be read in conjunction with the Constitutive Documents of H2Crete Fund ("Constitutive Documents"). Constitutive Documents of H2crete Fund consist of the fund contract including appendix A “Organizational structure of the AIFM/AIF” and appendix B “Overview of the fund”), the investor information in accordance with Art. 105 AIFMG, and the last annual report (once applicable). Only information contained in the Constitutive Documents is valid. A historic performance of a unit of H2Crete Fund is no guarantee of similar current and future performance. The information on this page is a summary of key characteristics of H2Crete Fund and does not constitute investment counsel, a recommendation of any kind, advice, or a specific investment recommendation. This material is intended for professional investors only. An investment in H2Crete Fund may involve significant business and financial risks. Potential investors should therefore familiarize themselves with the Constitutive Document and the advice of a professional financial adviser is recommended.